The final shot of Jon Snow (played by Kit Harington) shows him lying “dead” on the ground of castle black after being stabbed by numerous times by his so called brothers within the Night’s Watch. After several debates here are a few speculations as to why we think that Jon Snow could still be alive...
1. Just before the credits roll in , upon close inspection we can see that Jon`s dark brown eyes appeared to lighten and turn purple.According to the land of Westeros purple eyes are common with those who have Valyrian blood running through their veins… most notably those folks in House Targaryen, Jon could possibly be apart of that family if you take into account Rhaegar keeping Ned Starks sister captive.
So for those who aren’t aware, the theory is that Jon Snow’s real mother is Lyanna Stark and his father is Rhaegar Targaryean.If that is the case and the purple eye theory is true then , that would allow Lord of Light priestess, Melisandre, to bring Snow back from his otherworldly resting place, just as Beric Dondarrion was resurrected multiple times back in Season 2.
2. In a press release Kit Harrington stated that he is deader than dead and he will not be appearing in the next season of game of thrones BUT Bran Stark did not not make an appearance for the entire duration of season 5 but that does not mean he wont be returning for the next season so could the same hold true for Jon Snow?
3.Jon has come too far to just up and die. During first season of Game of Thrones, he was simply introduced as the bastard son of Ned Stark, who was sent off to join the Night’s Watch because he could have no title or claim of property. However, in spite of all this, Jon has showed outstanding leadership and battle skills over the course of GoT’s five seasons and he is now Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.So how can his character just be killed of out of the blue?
4.Jon has already encountered death several times throughout the series — in fact, the amount of times she’s nearly died rivals only the amount of times Tyrion Lannister has. From his first encounter with the Wildlings to his encounter with the White Walkers and their army of the dead, dragging Jon’s death out until now would just be cruel.Also there was an undeniable challenge between Jon and the Night King ,Coldemort, at Hardhome that cant be ignored!
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