Friday, May 29, 2015

Tips for New Writers...

Every writer’s process and goals are going to be different, however here are some tips that i think
might help for new and aspiring writers...

1. Firstly Start Writing and Keep Writing

Stop making excuses about not having the time to write.Stop tell yourself that you’re not ready or you can’t or you will someday.Writers write.
So today, now, determine what your writing goals are and when and how you’re going to make them happen, and if your plan doesn’t include actual words on paper within the near future, then rework your plan until it does.

2.Don’t worry about not being “very good.”

No one starts of as a brilliant writer.It all took alot of practice and probably several failed attempts. Some of your favorite authors did not get famous over night.With time you will be able to identify your own flaws and mistakes and will be able to determine what will work and what wont.So keep writing and improving as much as you can.

3.Read writing and craft guides

There's always new things that can be learnt from the numerous guides available.Research is important.We all have our own process and method and we should do what feels best for our own personal creative path.You can choose to ignore certain tips and rules of writing but don't be afraid to learn and keep learning.You may find a style that will work for you.

4.Stay inspired

Writers block is something every writer experiences at one stage or another but it is important to stay inspired.Decide on what inspires you, whether its quotes from your favorite authors, music or pictures and keep it close by to help you push through the writers block.

5.Talk to other writers

Remember that you are not alone.There are other new writers out there that are probably going through the same problems you are so talk to them. Join a critique group and talk to writing friends.

6.Always carry a pen and notepad

You will never know when the brilliant ideas will hit so always keep your material on hand to capture your thoughts. 

7.Be Patient

Everything takes time. Some writers were lucky enough to get published immediately while others had to wait longer. Hard work and diligence is required if you want your work to reach the masses. Thanks to social media and self publishing it has become easier to get your books out there however it still requires time and work on your behalf. 

Remember that all writers start somewhere. They don’t start off as bestsellers. Like everything writing takes practice and patience.

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